In today’s economic climate, it’s not surprising many businesses are thinking twice about spending money on staff training. However, during times of financial uncertainty it’s even more important to motivate your workforce and give them new goals.
Research clearly shows that staff training improves staff retention rates. If your employees are satisfied and are given future career goals, they will be less likely to look for a new job.
Happy and motivated employees are also more productive, which enables you to grasp immediate benefits. Investing in training sends out a message to your workforce that you care about their professional development and that they play an important role in your success.
Small gas businesses might only employ one or two engineers so it’s even more important they feel valued and motivated. By broadening the appliances they are qualified to work on, you will not only expand your business opportunities, you will encourage loyalty and greater work satisfaction.
It is estimated that as many as 40% of employees who receive inadequate job training quit their job within the first year, blaming their actions on a lack of career development opportunities and training.
Investment in staff training isn’t money down the drain. Businesses will see a return on their spending including increased productivity, lower staff turnover and loyal staff.
If you’re in any doubt, below are top five benefits for investing in staff training that should convince you otherwise:
1. Training increases satisfaction rates among your customers. If a staff member has been properly trained or has received regular refreshers to maintain their skills, this will be evident in the quality of their work. It will also enable them to answer questions more competently.
2. Commitment to training will give your business greater flexibility. If only one of your employees is qualified to work on LPG or solar heating, your resources will be spread very thinly. If two or more people are trained, you’ll be in a position to take on more work. Cross-training staff will increase business efficiency – it will also help you fill absences more easily.
3. Training can be a powerful recruitment incentive. Many young workers are looking for a job which offers visible career progression. Businesses which employ a training commitment attract a higher calibre individual. It will also enhance your reputation as a good employer.
4. Training allows you to diversify as a business. If you want to increase the scope of your offering, then train a member of staff in a new area. In the long-term, it is advisable to ensure all staff have the same level of expertise to ensure knowledge transfer.
5. Training is an essential risk management tool in hazardous industries such as gas engineering . By ensuring your staff have the qualifications to work unaided, you will be improving safety standards and giving yourself vital legal protection.
I hope this article has made you a little less nervous about investing in staff training. So many businesses invest their money blindly with no real guarantee on return but evidence shows staff training is one area where you can really make a difference to efficiency and save significant money on staff turnover costs.
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Burnt Mills Industrial Estate
SS13 1EU